Welcome to the Ashes of Amethyst Free Company, on the Gilgamesh Server

Please read this first!

What will you find here? Mostly some basic information about our Free Company, plus we will occasionally update it with some details about our current ongoing projects, events, and some resources we find helpful or interesting

As of right now, we are not planning any major events or activities, and are simply waiting out the release of Dawntrail while sending out submarines. While we may sporadically set up an event, much of our focus is spread out and not on one specific thing. This will change as Dawntrail nears release, but that's all we can say for now.

We do occasionally hold "events" for other games, like Phasmophobia, Helldivers 2, and others. If you're in our Discord, you'll be alerted when these "events" come up, as they're very much not scheduled unless otherwise mentioned.

Freshly Updated